Create a tablescape to remember

(ARA) – Holiday traditions may vary from home to home, but one of the most cherished sites each year is universal. The holiday tablescape: the place where all the luscious treats of the season await all the special people in your lives.

Close your eyes for a moment and remember walking into the dining room where the table is overflowing with memories of holidays past. Remember the sights and the aromas. The red, green and cream linens handed down through generations are pulled out to form the foundation of the holiday table. The special china, crystal and platters that rarely leave the cabinet – except around the holiday season – are front and center.

And in the center of the table – with all eyes upon it – the main event; the star of the show. Will it be Chateaubriand? Prime rib? Hickory spiral sliced ham?

Now open your eyes – it’s time to plan your own holiday feast. So roll up your sleeves, open your browser, bring out the family treasures and let the magic begin. Start with the star attraction: the flavorful foundation of your holiday spread.

“Our customers ask us all the time for ideas to make their holiday meals special,” says Edward Scavuzzo, president of Kansas City Steak Company. “Year after year, they keep coming back to the tastes that bring back memories of holidays past. Once they’ve selected the meat that will be the star of the meal, the big decision is out of the way and there are lots of options to round out the perfect holiday meal.”

While there are all kinds of lists of best holiday menus, these stars are sure to be at the top of the list for your 2011/2012 centerpiece meats:

* A hickory smoked spiral sliced ham from the Missouri Ozarks, brown sugar-cured and slow-smoked over hickory. From the moment the smells waft from the kitchen until the last bite is gone, it’s always a crowd pleaser.

* A roasted steakhouse rub prime rib roast is perfect for making any occasion a celebration. There’s just something about a perfectly aged, well-marbled, succulent boneless prime rib, topped with delicious blends of spices that may include espresso beans, salt, brown sugar, garlic and chipotle pepper.

* A decadently juicy Chateaubriand is always a special holiday treat. You won’t find a more tender holiday treat to grace your holiday table.

* And last, but certainly not least, a hickory smoked turkey. For some, the traditional Norman Rockwell tablescape will always spur holiday memories that are so vibrant, you can almost taste the turkey.

Once you select the star of your tablescape, the anchor of your meal, it’s time to plan the rest of your meal. It’s never been easier to select side dishes – there is an abundance of holiday gourmet guides, dessert guides, wine lists and online resources to help you choose the perfect complements to your star.

If you’re hoping to simplify your life this year, companies like The Kansas City Steak Company can be a great resource for planning your entire meal. Just add family, friends, a table, your own unique holiday touches and perfectly prepared food. You get all the credit for creating a magical tablescape and a meal your family will be sure to remember for generations to come.