Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 12 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Studio O+A have completed a fresh and dynamic workspace for web-hosting company Dreamhost in Brea, in California. According to the designers, it was the young workforce that inspired such a vivid environment. Moreover, the building offered plenty of potential for an office space filled with light, as well as for informal gathering places. The designers chose to ensure broad circulation paths that allow employees to enjoy a “non-work” environment while getting from one office to another. Color contrasts of delightful visual effects are sad to emphasize on the technological innovation that the company is willing to achieve. The exposed white ceiling accentuates the informal feel of this place and is also in tune with the Dreamhost’s line of work. In case you were wondering, the black box in the middle is not the general manager’s office, but the conference room. Have a look at the photos and let us know how you appreciate the design of this unusual workspace.

Dreamhost OA studio pM 22 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 32 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 42 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 52 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 61 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 71 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 81 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

Dreamhost OA studio pM 91 Not Your Regular Workspace: Dreamhost Office in Brea, California

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